You can remove highlighted text in Word by using this shortcut. Remove highlighted text by using a shortcut You still have to use the No Color option again to remove Text Highlight Color from selected text.
The highlight gallery looks different if you select the entire text in your document because the No Color is already selected in Word. If you select the entire text in your document, then the No Color in the highlight gallery appears gray. In the highlight gallery, click on No Color.Click on the arrow next to the Text Highlight Color icon.Select the highlighted text in your paper.It can easily be fixed by following the steps below. If a part of your text is highlighted, you can easily remove this in Word. The Find and Replace function does not work on the shaded text.Many color options, more than 60 colors.Shading is applied to text, paragraphs, and tables.Find highlighted words by using the Find and Replacefunction.A small number of color options, only 15 colors.Highlighting can only be applied to a text.The differences between them are listed underneath.
Highlighting and shading are not the same, but they color a text background in Word to make it more visible. Format gray background by using a shortcut.Format background shading by using a different style in Word.Remove gray background from a pasted text in Word.
#Additional highlight colors in word how to#